
The project APSAT (Ambiente e Paesaggi dei Siti d’Altura Trentini)-Alpinet, financed by the Provincia Autonoma di Trento, inside the programme Grandi Progetti (Big Projects), occurs in collaboration with:

– Università degli studi di Trento -Diparimento di Filosofia, Storia e Beni Culturali (DFSBC)- University of Trento- Department of Philosophy, History and Cultural Heritage

Deparment of

Dipartimento Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale (DICA)

–       Università degli Studi di Padova – Dipartimento di Archeologia

–       Castello del Buonconsiglio monumenti e collezioni provinciali – Provincia Autonoma di Trento

–       Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina

–       Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK-irst)

–       Università IUAV di Venezia

The aims that the projects proposes to achieve are:

-the census with innovative methods of the hilltop sites of the whole of Trentino.

-complete surveys of the ecosystems in some sample areas, in which the relations between the settlements and the productive activities, natural and anthropic landscape, architectures will be studied.

-a multidisciplinary analysis of the data collected that are able to reconstruct the evolution of the anthropic hilltom systems of the whole Trentino.

-the valutation of the conservation’s state of the hilltop site’s cultural and environmental heritage with expeditious  filing of the damage and of the vulnerability.

-the realization in the Museo del Buonconsiglio of a permenent Observatory, research, formation and multidiscplinar divulgation centre for the Cultural Heritage of Trentino, in full synergy with the University and with the competent tutelage authorities.

-a proposal of cultural marketing that considers a valorization through: (a) upload to the web, put online, in agreement with the Province, a WEB-GIS (with sections open to everyone and other with reserved access through password) with the datas’ census, (b) the individuation of a series of «stories»  able to connect the single sites in more general cultural itineraries, (c) itineraries’ preliminary plan

–     a series of pubblications of reserach’s scientific results, that will at least partly merge in one WEB site.

–      a further purpose is the formation of young reserarchers through grants for the Doctoratal Schools and/or Postgratuate studies, research fellowships, master, high formation’s Summer Schools connected to construction site activated by the research groups, singularly or in collaboration between them.

Visit the project’s website»»