Historical cartography consitutes an essential source for the study of substancial aspects of the territory’s history on different scales, and very often the data that from which are extrapolated  show the most antique image of a determined territorial boundary, before the shattering transformations intervened in the contemporary age.

It is a true historical-documentary patrimony, the most part unfathomed under the heuristic profile, lost/scaddered in unlimited and variegated archivistical collocations, mostly neglected in its authentic value of civilization’s testimony, as well as lacking the visibility that on the contrary it would merit.

From a preliminary and summary survey carried out using random sampling in the principal italian archives and in other archivistic locations belonging to different insitutions and private families,  it is deduced/ gathered that there is not an archival series that does not disclose surprisingly, in the folds of a  notarial volume   or of a judiciary register or agains in the middle of a string of letters , a “platea”, a “sketching/drawing”,  a “map”, a “drawing”.

The just now outlined  picture makes by now/already undelayable, for the fruition of this material, the beginning of new and engaging heuristic hypothesis starting from a meticolous census of the different possible scales and from an attempt of  systematic and organic tematic classification of the works whose chronological range places itself between the XVI and the middle of the XIX century. il cui ambito cronologico si colloca tra il XVI e la metà del XIX secolo.

That desirable census work, classification and valorization to the national scale, cannot but pass through the realization of a pilot-poject on a preferable interregional scale, through which  develop innovative and efficient  survey methodologies , that can be exported to other areas of the national and international territory, as well as  define strategies and valid reference objectives also for the development of future surveys on the same topic.
The project that is presented in this place/moment intends to start a study that functions as epistemological, methodological and theological exemplum in Italy and in Europe. For the realization of the pilot-project have been chosen the territories of the provinces of Brescia, Verona and Trento in which it is intended to conduct a survey aimed at taking a census, tematically classify and valorize the cartographic patrimony conserved in the comunal archives and in the other insititutions of tutelage.

Il progetto che si presenta in questa sede intende avviare un’indagine che funga da exemplum epistemologico, metodologico e teleologico in Italia e in Europa. Per la realizzazione del progetto-pilota sono stati scelti i territori delle province di Brescia, Verona e Trento nei quali si intende condurre un’indagine mirata a censire, classificare tematicamente e valorizzare il patrimonio cartografico conservato presso gli archivi comunali e presso altri istituti di tutela.

I territori provinciali prescelti forniscono la scala interregionale auspicata, e, per la loro contiguità geografica e la loro diversità storica e culturale, appaiono ambiti di indagine stimolanti e ideali per due ordini di motivi: da un lato tali aree rappresentano il punto di raccordo geo-culturale tra l’area Mitteleuropea, a prevalente cultura germanica, e le aree della mezzadria storica padana e medio-adriatica di cultura neolatina; dall’altro le suddette peculiarità geo-culturali hanno dato origine a produzioni cabreistiche differenti sul piano contenutistico, formale ed estetico, che consentono comparazioni interessanti dal punto di vista scientifico.