Prof. Diego E. Angelucci

Prof. Diego Ercole Angelucci

Departement of Humanities

Associate Professor

Via Tommaso Gar, 14 – 38122 Trento
+39 0461 28 2700

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He defines himself a geoarcheologist- a geologist among archeologists and an archeologist among geologists. His researchs concentrate themselves on the study of formation processes of the archaological  evidence and on the conncetions between human groups and the environment. He participates to projects about the archaeology of the Pleistocene and the Holocene in Italy, Spain and Portugal.  The transition moments interest him above all:  late-Middle Paleolithic, Pleistocene-Holocene,  neolithization – although his career as a geoarcheologist brings/takes him to work on territories and site of different ages and contests.